Adem Z.

Flatworld helped me find a job that motivates me and I can continuously improve myself

Flatworld helped me find a job that motivates me and I can continuously improve myself


Sr. CPP Developer

Hired By



10 days

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a Software Engineer with 18+ years of development experience in various domains.
Before joining FlatWorld, I was working remotely as a Chief Software Architect and Team Leader.

What were you looking for in your next job opportunity?

I was looking for a place where I can move forward in my career path. Somewhere that motivates me and I can continuously improve myself. Also being able to work remotely in a flexible environment is a big plus.


How did you find Flatworld?

I saw a job advertisement on LinkedIn. Decided to click on the link and applied. The process was fast an easy.

How would you describe your experience with Flatworld?

The whole process was well defined and fast. I had a short online test, a video recording where I answer some questions, a longer and detailed exam and 2 online interviews.
FlatWorld team was very responsive and helped me move forward in all stages.

What makes the opportunity at Undisclosed Company great fit for you?

I am able to apply the best software engineering principles with the help of DEVOPS to their max potential.
It is a job where I can keep myself up-to-date and sharpen my software engineering skills.

Would you recommend us to a friend? What would be your number one selling point?

Definitely I recommend it, A friendly environment for remote workers. Flatworld will help you through the process and will make sure you get the best possible fit for what you are looking for.